Child protection curriculum (CPC)

The Keeping Safe: child protection curriculum (KS:CPC) is a child safety program for children and young people from age 3 to year 12. It teaches children to:

  • recognise abuse and tell a trusted adult about it
  • understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching
  • understand ways of keeping themselves safe.

The KS:CPC is mandated in all public preschools and schools and is taught every year by teachers who have completed a full day KS:CPC training course.

The curriculum follows two main themes:

  • we all have the right to be safe
  • we can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust.

The two themes are explored through four focus areas:

  • the right to be safe
  • relationships
  • recognising and reporting abuse
  • protective strategies.

The focus areas are targeted to the age of the learners.
If you have any questions concerning this curriculum please see the Wellbeing Leader.

Wellbeing Leader

At Noarlunga Downs Primary School we have a deputy principal who has a wellbeing focus, and uses their skills in promoting and supporting learning and wellbeing, including:

  • help to manage relationships with family, teachers and peers
  • support to manage issues of concern, including behaviour
  • information about, and referrals to other support agencies
  • support to encourage attendance and learning at school
  • support with health and wellbeing, including social / emotional support

Please feel free to contact the deputy principal at any time if you have any concerns or questions. Students are able to make a time to see the deputy principal through their class teacher or through the front office. 


Ensuring good attendance is a shared responsibility between parents, caregivers, preschool and schools.

Student attendance has two categories:

Habitual non-attendance
Where a student has five or more absences for any reason in a term.

Chronic non-attendance
Where a student is absent for ten days or more in a term for any reason.

Attendance is an essential component to a student’s academic success. Often the number of days that students are absent or late accumulates without parents realising how many days have been missed.

Every day does count.
Every day counts because children achieve better when they attend school all day, everyday.
Every day counts because going to school means getting a better chance at life.
Every day counts because school helps children build social and emotional skills such as communication, teamwork and resilience.
Every day counts because going to school is a legal requirement.

Support is always available if you are experiencing difficulties getting your child to school. If you are needing support we encourage you to come into our front office and make a time to meet with our deputy principal.